

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Houston, We Have Contact!

     I have to be honest, I used to be a huge opponent of digital modes like FT8 and JT65. I thought that they were ruining the hobby, and I thought it would kill off modes like CW. After thinking it through and doing some research, I changed my outlook on my statement. Tonight, I gave it a try. I fired up the TS-660 and pumped out some FT8. After about 30 minutes, I didn't get any responses, but when I checked on, I found that about 124 people could hear me, all from Canada, across the US, and even Brazil! I even had one report from Alaska!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Easy-Digi Digital Interface

 Do you have a radio that you want to run digital modes on? That's great, but you know that you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a sophisticated interface. Let's face it - a soundcard interface is made up of audio transformers and a way to key your rig, so why pay more for something so simple?

I want to talk about the most simplistic interface board ever created. It's so simple that one could even homebrew their own! It's the Easy-Digi interface, available on eBay. This neat little gadget is sold by KF5INZ on eBay for a VERY reasonable price. The board is easy to follow and can be wired up to your satisfaction and need.