

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Houston, We Have Contact!

     I have to be honest, I used to be a huge opponent of digital modes like FT8 and JT65. I thought that they were ruining the hobby, and I thought it would kill off modes like CW. After thinking it through and doing some research, I changed my outlook on my statement. Tonight, I gave it a try. I fired up the TS-660 and pumped out some FT8. After about 30 minutes, I didn't get any responses, but when I checked on, I found that about 124 people could hear me, all from Canada, across the US, and even Brazil! I even had one report from Alaska!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Easy-Digi Digital Interface

 Do you have a radio that you want to run digital modes on? That's great, but you know that you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a sophisticated interface. Let's face it - a soundcard interface is made up of audio transformers and a way to key your rig, so why pay more for something so simple?

I want to talk about the most simplistic interface board ever created. It's so simple that one could even homebrew their own! It's the Easy-Digi interface, available on eBay. This neat little gadget is sold by KF5INZ on eBay for a VERY reasonable price. The board is easy to follow and can be wired up to your satisfaction and need.

Monday, November 29, 2021

The Thanksgiving Quest

    I just returned from spending Thanksgiving out in Mesa, AZ. While there, I figured that I'd browse around the local area to see if I could find any trace of ham radio. Surprisingly, one hot spot popped up, and it was Ham Radio Outlet in Phoenix.
    So I stopped in "just to browse." Browsing turned into curiosity, which turned into me purchasing a few books. I am still relatively new to the hobby, so I figured I'd ask around for some advice. Needless to say, I got more information than what I had bargained for!

    I had asked the man at the counter, Mike (K7DD), if he knew anything about antennas, and his response to me was "you'll be dealing with them all your life! They are the most important part of your setup." No kidding! I asked him what I should use for my station, as my base station at the moment is a Kenwood TS-660. He told me to use something like an EFHW with a 9:1 balun/unun, along with a tuner, resonant at 20 meters. That way, I would get more band coverage without having to change antenna wires. Below is the ARRL's kit version of an EFHW.

    If you know me, I'm always up for learning new things, so I asked him what he recommended for learning CW. I only know how to call CQ and my callsign, but I want to learn how to carry on an actual conversation. Mike told me that he would share with me some information and resources about learning CW by using the Koch method.
    In my previous post, I had mentioned the Koch method, but never really knew the history behind it. Ludwig Koch was a German psychologist who lived during WWII. During this time, he worked (loosely) with Hitler to train Nazi radio operators to learn Morse Code. His method picks up where Farnsworth's method falls short - it is the easiest way to learn and maintain code. Again, if you'd like, you can learn code using the Koch method using It's free and it actually helps!
    After we talked about learning code, I asked Mike about the Pixie kits. I had posted a question on which discussed the best antenna choice for a Pixie. 90% of the answers said that I should use a 40-meter dipole. 
    Here's the issue: I live in a city, with trees and power lines surrounding my house. I don't have to worry about HOA rules, so that's a plus. A 40-meter dipole measures roughly 67 feet, and I would only have room for about half of that! So what are my options?
    Again, an EFHW is the answer. They work just as well as a dipole and can be put in smaller spaces. The only drawback with an EFHW is that you NEED a tuner to tune to your specific band. But a tuner can be easily built, or even purchased for an inexpensive amount. So in the end, an EFHW is well worth the effort.
    I still have several questions, but Mike answered most, if not all of them (Thank you Mike for the invaluable information!), and has given me a reason to visit HRO again! Soon, I will get my station set up, and you might hear me more often on the air.

    If you're interested, check HRO out on the web or visit a destination near you. Trust me, you won't be disappointed! Click on the link here to get started, and who knows? Maybe you'll find some information or a product that's right for you!

Until next time, 73!

Friday, November 19, 2021

Learning CW: How Difficult is it?

    Ham radio is full of fun and unique modes. FT8 is by far one of the most popular digital modes. Many hams find joy in ragchewing on SSB or AM. But for many hams, one mode remains a favorite - CW, or to the common folk, Morse Code. Morse Code has been around since the dawn of the amateur radio days. Back then, hams only used spark gap transmitters, which created interference across the bands. It even began to interfere with naval operations!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

First Post

 This is a test of the Emergency Alert System (just kidding). I will hopefully post as much as I can, life and college permitting.